El curso OCW «El multiculturalismo a debate», entre los más visitados de 2024

El curso OCW👩‍🎓 «El multiculturalismo a debate» está entre los más visitados📢 del año 2024. 👇


El curso OCW «El multicultralismo a debate» está entre los más visitados del mes anterior. 👇


El link al curso OCW «El multiculturalismo a debate», con videos, presentaciones, comentarios de texto, examenes tipo test, etc. es el siguiente:


Las renovadas apelaciones a la cultura en el campo político ponen de relieve que cada sociedad tiene una articulación específica de la dinámica homogeneidad/pluralismo. Las minorías nacionales reivindican el reconocimiento en la esfera pública de su identidad específica, lo que en algunos casos supone replantear los enfoques tradicionales del Estado-nación. Las minorías indígenas afirman la necesidad de reconocimiento de un  status especial para sus miembros que se vincule a las normas tradicionales. Los inmigrantes ponen de relieve los criterios de inclusión de la ciudadanía y, en algunas ocasiones, buscan mantener su identidad cultural específica en el contexto de la sociedad en la que viven. Existen otros polos de autoidentificación de los individuos que comprenden a movimientos de mujeres, minorías raciales, minorías religiosas, movimientos juveniles alternativos, discapacitados… que articulan un discurso específico, que busca su adecuado reconocimiento y su acomodación en la esfera pública.

Noticia IVR Congreso mundial de la Asociación Internacional de Filosofía del Derecho y Filosofía Social (IVR 2024), Seúl,7-12 julio 2024

Pérez de la Fuente, Oscar. (2025). 31º Congreso mundial de la Asociación Internacional de Filosofía del Derecho y Filosofía Social (IVR 2024), Seúl, 7-12 julio 2024. DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (52), 263-264.

Consultar el siguiente link:


Recensión Teoría de las Obligaciones en Derechos y Libertades

Galera Ruiz, M. (2024). Carlos Ramón Fernández Liesa, Juan Daniel Oliva Martínez, y Oscar Pérez de la Fuente (eds.), Teoría de las obligaciones . DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (52), 233-239. https://doi.org/10.20318/dyl.2025.9067

Disponible en sl siguiente link:


Recensión «Odio, minorías y libertad de expresion» en Derechos y Libertades

Jaraba Andrade, L. M. (2024). Oscar Pérez de la Fuente, Odio, minorías y libertad de expresión . DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES: Revista De Filosofía Del Derecho Y Derechos Humanos, (52), 215-222. https://doi.org/10.20318/dyl.2025.9064

Consultar en el siguiente link:


Conference on 40th Anniversary of Right of Peoples to Peace To commemorate Human Rights Day


At the same time, the year 2024 marks forty years since the Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace (A/RES/39/11, 11 November 1984) and the preparation for the International Year of Peace and Trust, 2025 (A/RES/78/266), both resolutions being directly linked to the development of human rights in an environment of awareness for peace against violence.

Considering the current moment of global political instability with repercussions in all areas of the social and intellectual domain, it is proposed that the «Conference on the Right of Peoples to Peace» be held, allowing for a broad debate on issues related to the theme, such as, for example, the culture of peace, sense of peace in restricted system, human rights, democracy and governance, documenta)on and methods, education, etc.

Joint Project
a) Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (Autonomous University of Lisbon)
b) RC#26 on Human Rights from IPSA
c) Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Adam Mickiewicz University in
d) Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (University Carlos III of Madrid)
e) South Asia Research Institute for Minorities — SARIM

Scientific Board
Prof. Dr. Jedrzej Skrzypczak, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Chair of RC26 on Human Rights IPSA

Prof. Dr. Oscar Perez de la Fuente, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Vice-Chair of RC26 on Human Rights IPSA

Prof. Dr. Alex Sander Pires, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and Chair-Elect of RC26 IPSA

10 December 2024, between 19h and 22h (Lisbon Time)

19:00 — 19:10: Opening.
Prof. Dr. Alex Sander Pires, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and Chair-Elect of RC26 IPSA


«UBUNTU in its relation to peace and its values.»

19:30 — 19:45: Prof. Dr. Jedrzej Skrzypczak, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Chair of RC26 on Human Rights IPSA

«The right of people to peace in the pre-war period: 40th anniversary of UND

19:45 — 20:00: Prof. Dr. Oscar Perez de la Fuente, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Vice-Chair of RC26 on Human Rights IPSA

«Peace, war, law and Politics.»

20:00 — 20:15: Prof. Dr. José António Frías Montoya, Universidad de Salamanca

2Documentation in Human Rights (in Spanish/en Español).»

20:15 — 20:30: Prof. Dr. Anju Gupta, JECRC University and Member of RC26 IPSA Board

«Women’s rights and gender equality in South Asia.»

20:30 — 20:45: Prof. Dr. Alexandre Miguel Mestre, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa

«Olympic truce and the peace of peoples.»

20:45 — 21:00: Dr. Furqan Ahmed, South Asia Research Ins)tute for Minori)es and Secretary of RC26 IPSA Board

«Religious Nationalism as a Threat to the Right to Peace in Digital Spaces:
defending minorities on social media.»

21:00 — 21:15: Prof. Dr. Deepak Mewada, JECRC University

«Human Rights Day: Reflecting on progress and challenges.»

21:15 — 21:30: Prof. Dr. Lier Pires Ferreira, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

«Peace in times of hegemonic rupture (In Portuguese / Em Português).»

21:30 — 21:45: Prof. Carlos Imbrosio Filho, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa

«From right to peace to R2P: bridging aspirantions and obligations in preventing atrocities and nuclear catastrophes.»

21:45 — 22:00: Final Remarks and closure

IPSA RC26 workshop «Artificial intelligence and human rights», 12-13 December 2024

Beyond Europe – RC26 session “AI and Human Rights. UN Human Rights Day – part1
” (12 December 2024, 15.15-16.45)

Chair: Prof. Jedrzej Skrzypczak (AMU, RC26 IPSA chair)
Keynote speaker:

  1. Ph.D. Francisco Bariffi (University Carlos III of Madrid) fbariffi@der-pu.uc3m.es,
    o AI and Human Rights in Global Governance: Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups in the Age of Emerging Technologies

  1. Francesco Cirillo, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy), francescocirillostudio@gmail.com
    • AI and Cognitive Manipulation: Are European Legislators Chasing Shadows?
  2. Marco Marsili, Research Institute for International Studies, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Cà Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
    • Navigating the Future: Human Rights Implications of Artificial Intelligence”.
  3. dr. Dorottya Biczi (Széchenyi István University Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science, bdorottya2000@gmail.com)
    • The potential impact of artificial intelligence on fundamental rights.

Discussants: Furqan Ahmed (South Asia Research Institute for Minorities SARIM, Karachi, Pakistan, Secretary of RC26 Board) Prof. Ewa Szewczyk (Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Poland)

Beyond Europe – RC26 session 2“AI and Human Rights”. UN Human Rights Day – part 2

 (12 December 2024, 17.00-18.30 Warsaw/Madrid time)

Chair: Prof. Cassius Guimaraes Chai, (Universidade Federal do Maranhão /PPGDIR/Law/ /PPGAERO/Aerospace Engineering/ and Faculdade de Direito de Vitória (PPGD/Law), member of RC26 IPSA Board)

  1. Prof. Jedrzej Skrzypczak (AMU)

Challenges for freedom of expression and pluralism of opinion in the EU arising from the development of artificial intelligence

  • R.Karmegam Ph.D, Research Scholar (Full Time) Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, TamilNadu, India-608002

            Dr.D.Sivakumar Associate Professor, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University,  Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu,India        

S.Sharmila Devi Associate Professor, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University,  Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu,India 

  •  S.Sharmila DeviPh.D, Research Scholar (External) Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, TamilNadu,India

            Dr.M.Jeyabrabha Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University,  Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu,India

R.KarmegamPh.D, Research Scholar (Full Time) Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu,India

  •  Hokstok, Kinga Nagyné (PhD student, Széchenyi István University’s Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences, Judge, Administrative Division of the Győr Regional Court)
  • The impact of the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace on the right to safe work
  • Prof. Ravisankar R S (Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science,  NSS College, Pandalam.(affiliated to the University of Kerala, India.)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), Surveillance State and the Human Rights Jeopardy

Discussant: Prof. Oscar Pérez de la Fuente, (Carlos III University of Madrid, vice-chair of RC26 IPSA),

Nueva publicación: Los retos normativos de la inteligencia artificial, Colección Gregorio Peces-Barba

Fariñas Dulce, María José, Oliva Martínez, J. Daniel, Pérez Macías, Ignacio A., Pérez de la Fuente, Oscar (eds.), Los retos normativos de la Intelgencia Artificial, Colección Gregorio Peces-Barba, Dykinson, Madrid, 2024, 281 pp. ISBN: 9788410706675

La colección Gregorio Peces-Barba pretende servir para reflexionar de manera actual y sucinta sobre conceptos jurídicos fundamentes para el Derecho.

Este número aborda los retos normativos de la Inteligencia Artificial. Desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar, con enfoque jurídico, se trata este tema de gran actualidad y que suscita gran interés.

Entre otras cuestiones se reflexiona sobre las dimensiones ético-jurídicas de la Inteligencia Artificial, los aspectos relacionados con los modos de regulación los desafíos que para los derechos humanos conlleva la IA.

La colección Gregorio Peces-Barba está especializada en publicar debates y monografías breves. Es una colección impulsada desde el Departamento de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Link a la Editorial Dykinson:


Recensión Igualdad. Una inmersión rápida. Revista electronica iberoamericana

Carbajal Camberos, Juan Pablo (2024), PÉREZ DE LA FUENTE, OSCAR. Igualdad. Una Inmersión Rápida, Ediciones Tibidabo, 2 edición, 2024, 198 pp.

Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana (REIB), Vol. 18, No. 2, (septiembre de 2024), pp. 333-337, ISSN: 1988 – 0618. doi: 10.20318/reib.2024.8833



The evolution of the position and role of human rights in political systems conference

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Opis wygenerowany automatycznie

RC26 IPSA Interim Conference:

‘The evolution of the position and role of human rights in political systems’

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, Słubice Campus

Academic directors: Jedrzej Skrzypczak, Oscar Pérez de la Fuente

28 November 2024 (hybrid mode)

Link to connect:



Panel 1 «The position of human rights in global and regional political systems»

  • 11.30-13.00 Warsaw/Madrid time

Chair: Prof. Oscar Pérez de la Fuente, (Carlos III University of Madrid, Vice-Chair of RC26 IPSA), 

  1. Dr. Michael Kilburn (Endicott College Beverly, MA USA)

Anarchy, State, and Utopia: the D/Evolution of the Position and Role of Human Rights in Political Systems.»

  • Prof. Peter Smuk, (Széchenyi István University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences)    

Integrity of Democratic Process – New Narratives on Sovereignty Protection?

  • Prof. Semahagn Abebe, (Endicott College Beverly, MA USA), 

Double Standards in International Responses to Human Rights Violations: A Case Study of Ethiopia

Discussant: Prof. Cassius Guimaraes Chai, (Universidade Federal do Maranhão /PPGDIR/Law/ /PPGAERO/Aerospace Engineering/ and Faculdade de Direito de Vitória (PPGD/Law), member of RC26 IPSA Board)

Panel 2 «The next generations of human rights – attempts at diagnosis and prediction»

  • 13.15-14.45 Warsaw/Madrid time

Chair: Prof. Anju Gupta, (Head of Department of Political Science JECRC, University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India; member of RC26 IPSA board)

  1. Dr Marco Marsili (Research Institute for International Studies, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Cà Foscari University of Venice, Italy). 

Safeguarding the Future: Developing the Next Generation of Human Rights for Digital and Cognitive Domains

  • Prof. Ravisankar R S (Department of Political Science, NSS College, Pandalam, affiliated to the University of Kerala, India) 

The Next Generation Human Rights in India: A Troubleshooting Approach 

  • Katarzyna Sypień (Project Assistant, Jagiellonian University, Poland, ),

Climate Change and the Right to Exist: Examining Collective Rights and Territorial Sovereignty in Vulnerable Asian States

Discussant: Prof. Jedrzej Skrzypczak, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, chair of RC26 IPSA)

Panel 3 «The role of human rights in national political systems. A cross-continental perspective»

15.15-16.30 Warsaw/Madrid time

Chair: Prof. Alex Sander Xavier Pires (The Law Department of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Chair-elect of RC26 IPSA)

  1. Prof. Iwona Wrońska, (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland), 

Canadian Immigration Policies and the Protection of Human Rights 

  • Dorina Anna Tóth (Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary)

The Bumpy Roads of the Fight against the Exploitation of Women: A Historical Examination of the Regulation of Prostitution in Hungary 

  • Dr Tomasz Litwin, (Ignatianum University in Cracow) 

The Polish Dispute over Abortion from the Human Rights Perspective 

  • Dr Tomasz Wicha (the Department of Theory and Methodology of Political Science and Administration, the Institute of Political Science and Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland)

The issue of the protection of human rights on the political market in Poland in the context of the migration crisis on the border with Belarus (since 2021) and the Russian – Ukrainian war (since 2022)

  • Aleksandra Oczkowicz, (PhD student ,Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland),  

The Role of Independent Trade Unions in Belarus as Social Activists Post-2020 Protests 

Discussant: Furqan Ahmed (South Asia Research Institute for Minorities SARIM, Karachi, Pakistan, Secretary of RC26 Board)

  • Panel 4 «Human rights in concepts of de-globalisation and re-globalisation»
    • 16.45-18.15 Warsaw/Madrid time

Chair: Prof. Cassius Guimaraes Chai, (Universidade Federal do Maranhão /PPGDIR/Law/ /PPGAERO/Aerospace Engineering/ and Faculdade de Direito de Vitória (PPGD/Law), member of RC26 IPSA Board)

  1. Oscar Pérez de la Fuente (Carlos III University of Madrid)

Re-globalisation as an Emerging Paradigm for Human Rights

  • Prof. Alex Sander Xavier Pires (Law Department of the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa), 

Human Rights in the Concept of Sustainable Development

  • Furqan Ahmed (South Asia Research Institute for Minorities SARIM, Karachi, Pakistan)

Human Rights in the Era of Deglobalization: Tensions Between National Sovereignty and International Norms online

  • Prof. Jedrzej Skrzypczak, prof., Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, 

Deglobalisation trends and the protection of human rights in contempory politicals systems

Discussant: Dr Radwan Ziadeh (Arab Center – Washington D.C., USA, member of RC26 IPSA board)

Scientific Board 

  • Prof. Oscar Pérez de la Fuente (Carlos III University of Madrid) – chair
  • Prof. Magdalena Musiał-Karg ( AMU) – vice -chair,
  • Prof. Jędrzej Skrzypczak (AMU) – vice-chair
  • Prof. Natasza Lubik-Reczek (AMU)
  • Prof. Andrzej Stelmach (AMU)
  • Prof. Krzysztof Urbaniak (AMU)

Organisational Committee

  • Prof. Magdalena Musiał-Karg (AMU) – chair,          Prof. Natasza Lubik-Reczek (AMU)- vice-chair
  • Prof. Jędrzej Skrzypczak (AMU)                               Emil Plewa – (secretary of the conference)